Let's make Your Poster! Name *Email Address * Poster Details This is all fake, for your movie poster. It's a way to thank everyone. So think "SANDRA MOVIE CO." as your your production or "MY DAD" as your movie studio. Co-stars can be your best friends... Directors can be Dads or Moms. The STORY can be the people that hooked you up. It's YOUR movie poster! Have fun with it!Name of Your Movie *The poster above is "Endless Love" but you can choose anything you want!Name of Studio *Name of Production Company *Starring (Names of The Couple) *List 5 Costars! *List one or two Executive Producers *Screenplay By: *Story by: *Produced by: *Directed by: *Upload the file for your posterChoose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileSpecial Requests *THANK YOUAs soon as I receive this form, I will review it and respond to you personally. I will review your request with you via E-mail and upon final review, you will be charged $49.99 for the final 24x36 poster. Send Message